Here you can find the answers on the most frequently asked questions


Yes, we deliver goods throughout the world. Concerning delivery methods, times and rates, please consult the Shipping page

Sure, we accept all major credit cards or you can pay with your PayPal account, but no PayPal account needed if you don’t have one.

Yes, it is safe, the safety is guaranteed by PayPal, the largest online international payment system, trusted by millions of people throughout the world. We don’t have access to your credit card information, payments are totally processed by PayPal.

Yes, it is possible; please send us an email to with the title of the link to the artwork and desired size, and we make a calculation of the cost and fulfill your individual order

Yes, it is possible for the majority of the artworks, please contact us at, providing a link to the artwork or its title and stating your desired size, and we’ll see if it’s possible and give you the calculation. Many artworks are much larger than our L size, for example, “Sandro Botticelli, Venus. True Version”‘s original size is 270 x 175 cm, like the painting in the Uffizi Gallery.